Monday, June 20, 2011


Went for facial last Saturday at Herbaline with my friends. Previously I had mine at Natural Beauty. Since my friends like Herbaline a lot and they think it is worth the money.. So I was like why not give it try..
The day when my friend invited me and another guy, Nathan, we were told that the trial would be Rm 38. Then on that day, after filling up forms, the consultant said trial rate is only during weekdays.. I was like =.='' ZzzZ .. Still I went in even thou the price charged equals to 2 days of my salary.. T.T~~ $$
After facial, when i looked into the mirror I was dissappointed, the eyeliner that I drew previously became eyeshadow.. It was all around my eyes.. I wasn't upset that they wiped off my eyeliner.. I was shocked that they didn't clean it well, since they kept emphasizing on the word 'double cleansing'..Well double cleanse my S!.. Imagine if I didn't look at the mirror and just walk out.. I might scare someone yo~!.. tsktsktsk.. N the beautician didn't shape my brows like how she was supposed to.. Hmph!..

Well, I like the shoulder massage.. ^^ It made me sleepy.. The other thing that bothered me during massage was the chest massage.. My breast!! T.T


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Huh... I haven't been doing anything for the past 3 days in office.. My aunt left to Europe, b4 that she transferred me to management office, but didn't assigned me anything. The only lady left with me is the management executive but she is doing her thing only. I didn't learn anything from her. I'm afraid that when my aunt come back she will be mad at her and i'll get scolded! She asks a lot~~

I went facebook, I blogged, I searched info bout Phuket. It was just TOO FREE BABEY n that ain't good!

Now im sick cuz of this freaking weather. Phuh!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm going on a vacation to Phuket, Thailand !! WEE!! .. Since my mom don't allow my boyfriend n I to go by ourselves.(she's afraid that I might lose my virginity). So we decided to invite our friends b4 the air ticket price increases.

Then my bf created an event on FB. Everyone was excited at first. After awhile it got cold. No one replied anymore. I wonder why. Was it bcuz we rushed them to decide within 24 hours? or bcuz my bf was the organiser? or they just don't wanna go thailand.. sobsob.. T.T

Just minutes ago my friend told me the price increased di. So I went to check. URGH!! . FRom 230MYR p/p to 348MYR p/p for the whole august!!!! ZzzZ.. Good thing i bought my tickets earlier. Bad news is only 2 of us going !! Im so gonna get nagged. Not to forget my aunts. If they were to know my life would be so screwed up. 1 of my open minded aunt said "No worries, just use condom!" my god!! I'm not having sex over there come on! Still, can't blame them for not trusting young ppl cuz nowadays, sex b4 marriage has become common. right?

Okok.. I'll skip the headache part. Now!! What i'll have to do b4 the trip is to lose weight So THAT i can Wear my BIKINI N take lotsa lotsa pics to post them to my blog ..keke... But if you don't see any pictures of me with bikini in my blog b4 October, means I still have my Fat S with me at that moment.. T.T.. All the Best to me !

WAhlah! ..My target!! XDDD


Friday, April 8, 2011

I got a job!! hehe Currently Im an intern trainee at my aunt's office. The pay is not as much as the previous 1 (Customer Relations Officer) but what do u expect?!.. Im inexperience and I started late and the main of all.. I KNOW NOTHING!.. >.< other company wouldn't want to hire me..Anyway, I like it here..^^ My Aunt is willing to send me to diff department to gain more experience. Well, currently im at the admin dep. my trainer aka Emily is very patient with me. Nice and funny. =D but sadly i'll be positioned at acc dep next week >.< sobsob .. The only thing bothering me is i gotta wake up early .. >.<.. seriously.. i dun like it.. blame who ?.. THE Mother-F TRAFFIC!!.. It reminds me of going school.. Urgh!.. OO Ya!..another thing stresses me a lot as well..I follow my aunt's car to work every morning but this is not the scary part.. the scary part is she Moves like a BULLET TRAIN.. We showered at the same time..[different bathroom duh!]..came out same time.. but while i was half way applying my eyeliner at my right eye.. she was ready!.. and i tell you she walks fast man! But no doubt that she is a very efficient executive director. =)

This is me rushing ! =.=

Hmm.. i Had 3 eggs today. wonder wat will happen to my face. chao! ^^


Monday, March 21, 2011

I RESIGNED! ... haha .. yea.. i was right, i can't even bare the job for 3 months as a Customer Relation Officer..What do i do hur ?.. I pick up calls to do room reservation for customers..
Hmm.. I've met fussy cust, annoying cust, weird cust, diff kind of cust..

All of this customers gave me a summary... only the obnoxious customers get what they want..>.<>

The reasons i quit is bcuz 1st! Im sick of answering calls... so is doing outbound calls (my previous job).. 2nd i wanna go bck to my hometown with mama.. SO i DID! .. ^^ ..I just came bck .. The visit was so relaxing.. I gambled, cycled, watched movie and slept more hours than i can. haha

All of a sudden after watching a hong kong drama about sushi.. I have cravings for SUSHI!!... I can't wait for 2moro's outing .. i'll be having supper with my friends at Jogoya.. I've nvr been there b4, i wonder do they serve sushi..>.< .. CAN'T WAIT! bye!.. ^^


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I Need Is

JUst A Small

*~Brownie Cupcake~*

WHAT A LOONG WORKING DAy.. Im afraid i can't bare with this n quit b4 3 months...8.5 hour is like 24 hours man!! but of course i won't quit so soon... i need $$ now .. For wat?..seriously i have no idea.. in my head currently are those cosmetics product n lots n lots of clothing..

I'm afraid i'll spend more than my salary n end up being broke in the middle of the month.. i dun like the feeling wanting so badly that the end of the month comes quickly..

It's just too hard to SAVE!.. i was good at saving money until i turned 17..During that age i didn't spend on cosmetics or dressing.. It was food.. YUM!..then Now cosmetics..Umm Dressing ? My mom is still helping me.. ^^.. Sowat! XD
But the prob is.. my mom only chooses shirt that is cheaper.. as in less than Rm 30.. Then my friend's outfits are mostly from ZARA, FOREVER 21,TOPSHOP etc..I have never bought anything from those shop b4.. NEVER!!..Now, at my current age..i feel kinda..u know..*bluh~*..hmm...>.<

DUNNO lAH!.. brain jam di .. =.=... Chao!

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's been A while !

Phiew !!... It's been a while since i last blogged ... hmm.. let me look back at the previous posts.. BORING!!... Time for a Big Change.. XD

Well!... u see, i just finished my STPM like a month ago.. How was it u asked?... EHH!.. Horrible!.. I don't think i'll be going back to school to get the RESULT SLIP!... ah ah.. no way..
Form six life was great [not the books of course] .. i Love my friends, miss them a lot.. especially Chei Thai who sits next to me.. <3 nbsp="">
He looks cool here but he's actually a cuckoo head..=P. Still he is the best boy friend ever.. he cooks, he is friendly and we quarrel EVERYDAY and the best thing is he will never love me.. Isn't he the BEST! =.= [ i actually asked him b4 whether he'll fall for me anot.. and he said "err .. very hard lo"] WTF! i that bad.. =.=
Anyway, i do miss my schoolmates a lot.. everyone has their own unique personality.. i mean it =P
Immediately after STPM I went to Port Dickson with my friends, followed by Ipoh with justin's family..
Then after the trip, SHOPPINg for prom stuff.. My mom was like ZzzZ..[poor mama]..I din't spend that much time with her..
The PROM!!... i was excited bout it until tat day ... i was dissapointed with myself.. To be honest i wasn't comfortable with what i wore that day.. GUEE!..i learned my lesson .. THIS IS WHAT U GET FOR PURCHASING LAST MINUTE.. The feeling sucks ..
Okay.. I'll end this blog here ...To be continue.. i wouldn't wanna write an essay here... i'm afraid u'll fall asleep halfway.. ^^