Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Choir Performance ~

Tuesday! ~Renaissance Hotel~ 3.30pm~ ^^

So we reached there around 1 .. then rehearse for like 1 time only ...then went for lunch di.. our last song was still like very kek [cacat] ~~ =.=...

Anyway.. then we went for our lunch ..[ WHole meal Bread and BI HUN! ]... okay ~! ..fine .. i ate until quite full also..=P.. then drank a cup of coffee that was super sweet ...i put 3 packet of brown sugar .. no idea it would be that sweet .. while i was drinking half way then teacher called us di ..' rehearse rehearse, cepat cepat " . =.=... huh ..

Huu... lotsa ppl came di ... 'we gotta prepare our candle in the cup ^^ ' .. to prevent the candle from falling, 1 of my fren was like ... " STAY 1 KM away from my cup " haha .. then after the candle almost melted like half way di ... then someone only thought of using papers to support it ... xD

then we started singing ...hmm... i think we sang okay ^^..~ i mean Great! after pratising for 3 days only ..Then when the Mc said .. 'thanks to the much talented choir group from MBS '.. everyone was like .. 'wah ! talented wor? ... haha ..' .. but we did get some compliments ..hehe .. ' i think our teacher recorded the singing ... hope i dun sound like a squeaky toy .. >.< style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(102, 51, 0);">everyone seems very very nice even though they never actually talked to me ... ^^..
All the good singers ^^All the cat ladies ~ =OCarmen~ Sze yie ~ =O The girls after the performance .. chew chew ! =P
There are more pictures on facebook.. ^^ .. add me .. curlybaby_j19@hotmail.com ... ( lame email add i know =.=)

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