Friday, October 9, 2009

=.=...I dun feel so good

Finally !.... EXAM IS OVERRRrrr!! ..haizz .. I'm suppose to scream by now but didn't ...Don't even hav the mood to grin from ear to ear .. 2 days ago i had bio paper 2 chap= 5 ..finished 1 chapter a week ago ..then did last minute study like wat i did in EVERy exam , so cannot manage to finish, so have to stayed up late to study AND!...while doing so i WATCH FUNNY VIDEOs in FACEBOOK! ." great " ..ZzZ..On that day , couldn't remember wat i had studied ..huhuh :'(...writing all crap in the essay questions ..
Yesterday was maths T paper 2 ..I have no idea how to do ....not even a single question that im sure of ...then after that i went to tell my friend that im sad .. cuz all my results are gonna turn out really badly..Then she said " what do expect ?..You also never work hard enough and you expect good results a "..i was like ..starring at 1 place thinking .."hmm..good point~" ..i mean it though.. wat she said was right.. THEn today bio paper 1 ...dun wanna talk about it ..piece of dung..>.<>add oil add oil! & I need motivation!
Well! tomoro will be a big day for me ..will be going out with my friends at pav..^^
MOnday i'll be dead .. teachers will definitely scold like crazy.. gue! ... I'm scared ! have Mercy! @.@
Taken 2 years ago ^^


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