Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fame, Wealth and Power = Bitch?

This of course does not refer to everyone. So currently I’m working as a trainee in a property firm. Thank God it’s only for 2 months, cause I miss my life as a student! Not much to learn or do for 2 months, that’s why I’m blogging. ^^
Have you ever walk into a person that has more experience in life than you and knows more about the field  that you are about to step into, just completely ignore your existence? Ya~~..That feeling sucks har. It happened to me yesterday when I was somewhere in the office. I saw them, they looked at me, since our eyes met, the best thing I could think of was saying Hi. So I did, without nodding or smiling back, they continued their conversation. So I was like ‘ okay~’  and continued my thing. LOL!
It’s not a big deal actually. Haha. The question is just “why?” Why not smile more often? Don’t you wanna be likable?

To think the other way round, maybe they are just protecting themselves. Smiling too often like me can be seen vulnerable sometimes. =(

Some random pics of me while I was working.


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