Monday, November 16, 2009

Totally Bad Day

14 of November ! Saturday ...thought it would be a great day , but it turned out to be a DISASTER ! ..>.< .. Joy celebrated his birthday 2 days ago ..b4 that i was so excited for that day .. haizz.. never put our hopes too high .. So, after i went for tuition.. then straight to the salon to straighten my hair .. *step inside* O.o! .. Anni Zui LAng nge [ so many ppl] =.=.. wait lo ..----- Okay my turn ! yay! ^^ .. so happy the owner of the salon set my hair ..
As i have predicted , the sifu;boss went to help other customer let the trainee help me .. YEE!!!!!!! ... dun like .. the girl dunno how to straighten hair de..she did it so fast and it HURT! ! ... hmph! .. then after that the sifu came bak , then walked away again .. another girl helpped .. =.=.. dislike ..! Fine ~ .. get my hair done di .. then go home take bath .. Shoot ~! hair touched a little water .. it curled up .. >.< .. haizz .. nvm ..

Then Justin Called me and said that his fren's car broke down ..he gotta help .. after he fetched me..then settle all the things around 2pm di .. >.< .. then JAM JAM JAM! ... stupid polis dunno block those main roads for wat .. they blocked 2 turning that can lead me to sungei wang .. >.< .. i actually cried in the car .. scolding those polis and the traffic lights .. very emo ..! =( .. reached Amoda hotel parkng lots around 3 pm.... I was prepared at 1pm then stuck in the stupid traffic for 2 hours .. Huh!!

Time to go greenbox to sing with my frens .. very obvious my frens sang all the songs di.. so i'll just go there and have the buffet lunch... i met my frens ... some said my hair looks nice ..hehe.. i like it too ..^^ ..not that messy ..Then after a little chit chat with my frens.. i told them i wanna eat b4 i sing .. then Nathan said JIN VI HERE NO FOOD de!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Omg .. i was starving.. wat to do .. order food lo ...
lets see my hair ^^ of cuz frens too..hehe
Heng yee edited the colour of my face .. =P
my cute frens

Then 5 pm .. finished ! .. The bill comes .. RM500+ horr!!!! ... Joy paid ! .. he is so broke .. Then we get out of Sungei wang and head to Pavillion for movie ... no movie .. all full .. then dinner lo... too many ppl also ... end up at oldtown ..=.=.. okay .. i dun mind $$ .. after that time to go home .. 9 pm di ..

So, Jhee Yann , Chei Thai , Heng Yee , Justin and me went home together .. then Justin went out to pay the parking .. wait wait wait ~ ... asked heng yee to check out wats happening .. He came back the car and said RM 46 !!... wat the fuk .! FFFF ..!... i was so angry .. then i went out the car... so mad ..then we quarrel quarrel quarrel .... doesn't work .. they still wanna charge us if we stay longer .. They are totally SUN ON THE BEACH! .. fuk those Amoda Hotel ppl ..! .. really cheated by them ..6.30 for RM49! ... screw them !.. huh!! wat to do .. pay them..ask for their supervisor's number ..and the name of the worker.. Never GO AMODA AGAIN! ...stupid workers ... dun even know how to write their name .. took like 15 minutes just to write the name time and $$ paid .. every1 in the car paid rm10..haizz..

I remember last time my mom always parked there and the parking fee is always the same ... when they took our tickets ..they could't scan it ..then check their freaking list .. hate it ! ...they sure did smtg to those tickets ...! CHEATER!

Go home ! >.< [v]

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