Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last day of school!

Yippee ! ..last day of SCHOOL! ... but neh fun also .. got homeworks and research thingy to do .. haizz ...think about it also SIEN! .. the only happy thing i could think of now is ..i can wake up later .. ^^

Yesterday i ponteng (skip) school.. can't believe so many were absent too.. 6 of them ! .. Then of cuz, teacher scolded us ..2 new teachers! .. T.T .. they are hardworking and experienced teachers .. i should be happier with this changes but not at all ... cuz i can't sleep in class anymore !..

BUT! .. i still have to look at the BRIGHT side.. =.=zz... i have hope for my STPM di... The previous teacher ?..emm .. i dun understand a thing they said .. sorry

Okay .. after school, went for bowling with 5th bowling game.. he taught me a better way to play bowling .. cuz im not good at it .. after 3 game .. i think i'm slightly better di...hehe .. yay! . ^^

This is a video of me after my school's class party .. which was few weeks a go ..That was also my third time playing bowling .. err.. if u wonder why the shirt is so big ..that is my senior's shirt .. L size .. i stained mine .. >.<

I'll record 1 with Strike next time ...wuahaha! ..


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