Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Choir Performance ~

Tuesday! ~Renaissance Hotel~ 3.30pm~ ^^

So we reached there around 1 .. then rehearse for like 1 time only ...then went for lunch di.. our last song was still like very kek [cacat] ~~ =.=...

Anyway.. then we went for our lunch ..[ WHole meal Bread and BI HUN! ]... okay ~! ..fine .. i ate until quite full also..=P.. then drank a cup of coffee that was super sweet ...i put 3 packet of brown sugar .. no idea it would be that sweet .. while i was drinking half way then teacher called us di ..' rehearse rehearse, cepat cepat " . =.=... huh ..

Huu... lotsa ppl came di ... 'we gotta prepare our candle in the cup ^^ ' .. to prevent the candle from falling, 1 of my fren was like ... " STAY 1 KM away from my cup " haha .. then after the candle almost melted like half way di ... then someone only thought of using papers to support it ... xD

then we started singing ...hmm... i think we sang okay ^^..~ i mean Great! after pratising for 3 days only ..Then when the Mc said .. 'thanks to the much talented choir group from MBS '.. everyone was like .. 'wah ! talented wor? ... haha ..' .. but we did get some compliments ..hehe .. ' i think our teacher recorded the singing ... hope i dun sound like a squeaky toy .. >.< style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(102, 51, 0);">everyone seems very very nice even though they never actually talked to me ... ^^..
All the good singers ^^All the cat ladies ~ =OCarmen~ Sze yie ~ =O The girls after the performance .. chew chew ! =P
There are more pictures on facebook.. ^^ .. add me .. curlybaby_j19@hotmail.com ... ( lame email add i know =.=)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

im sick~ >.<

GUAaaa~~~~~ I'm sick I'm Sick I'm Sick!! sorethroat , cough and flu... =.=... i dun mind being sick but not now !... i have choir perfomance to do at the renaissance hotel with my friends ... emm we'll be singing

heal the world

stand by me =.=

earth song

and 1 more avril's song ... wat knockin heaven's door ..sorry ..dah lupa -.-

Anyway ~on Firday teacher gave me a solo part on the earth song .. carmen, jia meng and jason too ^^ ..
BUt !! After practise ..i went to eat McD ..screw it ! =.=... hot fried french fries with chilli ~ yummy! then~ ... you know wat happen next lo ..too heaty >.< [v]

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Am SorRy

I am sorry for being inconsiderate~
I am sorry for being selfish~
I am sorry for being greedy~
I am sorry for not being understanding~
I am sorry for not being there for you when u needed me~
I am sorry for not being punctual~
I am sorry if you were hurt~
I am sorry if you were offended~
I am sorry if i were rude to you~
I am sorry if i were mean to you~

I am sorry ..I am sorry..I am sorry ..~~ ( frens , family )
^^ hmm.. Consider myself as 1 of the person that doesn't feel comfortable saying sorry right in front of ppl's face .. I'd rather write ..hehe.. BUT still! ... saying sorry doesn't mean a person like me will change .. i'll just admit that i was wrong  ..and try to be better next time ..[changes take time] ..blek!

sincerely [v]

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bowling day ~ ! ^^

Went out with Jkid's good friends .. Lee kent and saddam .. we went to play bowling and watch movie .. 3 games of bowling .. and watch Cloudy with the Chance of Meatball .. ^^ .. Jkid bought me a cup of venti vanila cream and choco chip [STARBUCKS] b4 the game started .. Yum! .. i din't play cuz i dun feel like it ... then when i saw them playing .. i regretted not joining ..! .. hmph! ..

Oo YA! .. i saw form 4 frens [chun hong's gang ].. they saw Jkid .. screw it ! .. gue ..really no more secret anymore .. haizz .. oo well ..>.<

Then 3.30 di .. time to go for movie .. I tried once b4 we leave the place.. STRIKE ! .. yippee ..i felt happier .. ^^ Here are some videos of my friends playing ~=P

The movie we watched was nice .. cute and funny .. i love it .. some may say it is childish .. but i think it's okay with me .. love it .. rate 7 out of 10 ..! ..hehe


Monday, October 19, 2009

Desperate ! ~

I can't wait!!
I can't wait ~~!
I can't Wait !!! ....
I wanna Do it !.. But can't!! long way more b4 i can ! ...i Wanna do it for my blog !... I can't wait !! ... HURRY HURRY!! >.<


Monday, October 12, 2009

MOnday blues

HATE monday ...the 1st day of school & 4 days to weekend ...SIEN! .. hmm ..today get some of my exam papers .. for chemistry paper 2 .. i get 50/100.. yea its bad ..but i was quite satisfied la ..cuz i expected lower than that ..then maths get 56/100.. for this i tot i could get higher bulak .. nvm la ..i already predicted all my results are gonna be C, C, C, C... including [-]... okay.. then the worst sub is PA!!!!! ... cuz i dunno how to do paper 1 ...the 1st 5 , ALL WRONG! .. haha ..then for paper 2 , i din do 1 esei and the 2nd 1 i wrote like sh*t..DIE ! .. then get scolded somemore by teacher just now... ' JIN VI'! ... so loud .. x( ..i know i chose the wrong answer ..i wanted to change 1 cuz i noticed my ans was quite weird but then HENG YEE told me to read out my answer ...then kena kao kao ...=.=..then muet a paper 1 ..36/45 .. then when teacher was discussing i kept talking with sze yie and heng yee until teacher called my name ...sien ! luckily today dun have tutorial !.. phiew...can come home early to play with my new BABE.. just got it yesterday 11/10/09 !! ..yippee ! ^^.. but he hurt me !!.. >.< ..nvm ..no pain no gain! xDDD


Sunday, October 11, 2009

MBS Idol~

Since the day i left my primary school ,I have never been taking part in any singing competition until this year...^^ .. took part in the audition for RM 2 ...hehe..
The 1st audition .. no idea wat to sing .. then flipped on the lyrics book i did few years ago .. I chose a japanese song from Cooking master boy anime ..Aoi Sora if im not wrong..goodness! when i went up the stage and started singing.. i leg began to shake and my hand numb ..even my voice i think! wat the ..! .. Luckily The the judges from Mbs said it was nice ...hehe ...happy ..Oo ! b4 that there was a friend that ask me whether i sang japanese song cuz i wanna be special .. of cuz not ! ..never even thought about it..=.=..
okay , so i pass the 1st , the 2nd audition i sang 'someone watching over me' by Hilary Duff .. hehe ...i din really follow the exact song..hehe ..i lower down the notes ... x) .. that get me into final..yippee..but nervous di ...shoot! ..
Final! ...The Climb [miley cyrus].. the day b4 i sang the song , i noticed that i can't sing the low notes when im nervous ..OMGness!! ... then on that day ..i really can't sing .. especially the starting ' i can almost see it~ ' .. then the cute MC called my name ^^ ..huh..no turning back di .. then i start off the song with ' I can E~ilmost see it ..' ..wat the fish ! I was so~ embarassing myself ..then i can't sing all the low notes ..so when reach the part ' just keep pushing on"... i use all my voice ..=.=..' pushing ON!!!!'..=.=...a little bit too loud i know ...:'(..MY FINAL WaS TERRIBLE..
WEnt home and show my mom the video ...my mom also laughed .. >.<..haha ..it was funny though .. good experience .!.
The results came out after 2 weeks .. 2nd runner up Carmen [super nice voice] , 1st runner up Oscar[ cute boy with very sweet voice], the winner Tan Jin Vi [cracky voice]..=.=.. ..i sang badly .. >.,< .. never mind la .. just few guys know only ..hehe ..i tot lotsa ppl will be supporting the mbs idol competition , but during the final ..not even 30 sutdents in the hall ..=.=.. but good also..then i wouldn't pee on my pants..^^
Anyway ~ thanks the judges for putting me at the first place .. really thank you! ^^
Ain't gonna put the video here .. later kena scold or kill by Miley's fans .. x)


Friday, October 9, 2009


These pictures are taken quite a while ago ... Too much time to spend ...too much! i tell u =.=


The end

Camwhoring with my name Vi ! not peace ...=P


=.=...I dun feel so good

Finally !.... EXAM IS OVERRRrrr!! ..haizz .. I'm suppose to scream by now but didn't ...Don't even hav the mood to grin from ear to ear .. 2 days ago i had bio paper 2 ..total chap= 5 ..finished 1 chapter a week ago ..then did last minute study like wat i did in EVERy exam , so cannot manage to finish, so have to stayed up late to study AND!...while doing so i WATCH FUNNY VIDEOs in FACEBOOK! ." great " ..ZzZ..On that day , couldn't remember wat i had studied ..huhuh :'(...writing all crap in the essay questions ..
Yesterday was maths T paper 2 ..I have no idea how to do ....not even a single question that im sure of ...then after that i went to tell my friend that im sad .. cuz all my results are gonna turn out really badly..Then she said " what do expect ?..You also never work hard enough and you expect good results a "..i was like ..starring at 1 place thinking .."hmm..good point~" ..i mean it though.. wat she said was right.. THEn today bio paper 1 ...dun wanna talk about it ..piece of dung..>.<>add oil add oil! & I need motivation!
Well! tomoro will be a big day for me ..will be going out with my friends at pav..^^
MOnday i'll be dead .. teachers will definitely scold like crazy.. gue! ... I'm scared ! have Mercy! @.@
Taken 2 years ago ^^
