Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CoOkieS @ Buff3t DinNeR

YEE~~!... Woke up at 9 a.m .. SO EARLY !!.>.<..*still tired*.. need to have breakfast with my bro.. DIM SUM!..yum yum.. waited my bro in the living room till 11 a.m...=.=..huh..
After breakfast ,my mom wanted to shop at JUSCO for groceries..well~ I need to get some chocolate chip as well , cuz today i planned to bake CH0C0LATE ChIP COoKI3 with Jman ~~.. yippee!!!..
OKAY! I took out all the ingredients ... \prepare 2 big bowls .. 1st bowl is to mix the 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of salt.. Then mix the 2nd bowl with 1/2 cup of brown sugar & granulated sugar [actually i used more than tat :( ], butter ,egg , 1 tsp of vanilla..stir them up till they are light n fluffy ...^^ ..the ingredients in the 1st bowl is then put to the 2nd to stir them 2gether...There ! Lastly just add in the chocolate chip ... WALAh!...bake them in the oven for 10 minutes ..temp is around 175 degree celcius.. [my temp. was around 200 degree C cuz i wanted them to be crispy]..^^..[ make sure the oven is heated b4 putting the cookies in]..../

Lets see how my CoOkieS look like ...^^
There's my cookies ~

Hee~....What do u think about my cookies..?..What I think is, it was a little sweet ...shouldn't have put more than half cup of sugar .. N put so much chocolate chip ... Jman's fault =.=..He told me to do so .. Talk about Jman ..He went to sleep in the living room after 5 cookies were done....ZzzZ .. Left others to me.. Sweet guy har ?..=.=..My first time neither a failure nor success..But i sure hope my cookies will be as good as Famous Amos next time ...^^ is that possible ?..haha..bluek :P
Oo!.. I downloaded a video ..It helped me a lot with my cookies..But my ingredients weren't from this video..hehe..It's just slightly different in the amount of ingredients.. :P


Around 5 p.m I took my bath again ..Cuz i need to go Midvalley with my cous Eileen ..I really didn't feel like going cuz I was tired and headache..drank too little water (dehydrated i guess)..@_@.. oo well ..a promise is a promise .. I dressed up then left the house ..O.o!!.. forgot to take the "2 person buffet voucher at The Spread" ...Luckily Ah Kok reminded me ..^^..I won the voucher by getting 2nd place in SWINGER [hula hoop game]..^^..

The Spread is located on the 6th floor of Garden Hotel..wow!..Big hotel.. i like ..Jman n I went there..I looked like a rich girl...wakaka..awesome!
Here are some pictures i took and also stole from other ppl's blog.. :P..sorry..Too bad I forgot to bring my Camera !!...Guee~

In this picture....We sat at the right side close to the window where we can enjoy the View..^^

I ate this waffle with strawberry & butter ..^^
hmm ..the lobster is awesome nice n chewy..yum!

Jman b4 buffet~...err.. He doesn't look hungry here ..looks more like he is in pain ..wakaka

TonbeRry b4 buffet~..Look at that wide smile of mine ...HAPPY or HUNGRY?..u guess :P

The Ginseng Chicken Soup .. SrruPp!..^^

Love the Sushi !..^^

Obviously I have no talent in taking photos..the pictures look weird :P

Hee ..Everything was suppose to be perfect but my headache spoiled the mood ..hmph!.. :( .. i want to go there again.... ^^...
Its raining now ..perfect time to take a nap ..chao!..


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