Sunday, May 3, 2009

1 Day Trip to Genting Highland!!

Yay!!.. Look at him ..Wonder he was excited about the trip to Genting Highland or just Posing ? :P
Jman was our driver ..4 of us dunno the way to G.H we got lost =P; missed a turning ..^^..look ! we even pass by BAtu Cave .. =.=..
But still we made it to Genting Highland...Yay!
Here are some photos of us in the car..^^
... he must be super bored of driving ..

Had to Stop by the road
Of cuz we din't stop here to enjoy the view or to feel the cool air ..While going up such high hill ...the car temp. will increase..the clutch will probably burn[hangus] i think ^^..Thus we must stopped the car to cool it down for half an hour ...While waiting ..Of cuz tat would be pictures taking time ...^^..[luckily ah kok was there, he was the 1 that ask us to stop, if not we will be spending lotsa $$ to fix the car..]

YOSH!..In the cable car. LOOK!
Super Misty ..i like !

Before we entered the Theme park

Yippee ! play time ! so excited ..It'd been a very long time since i last went Genting highland..

Eileen liked this so much ..we even played 2 times


Dragon coaster ~.. =)

This was the Best part ever !!. most shocking ! You'll never know when it is gonna fall..When the 'seats' fall, i can't even scream~ was like falling without a parachute .. your butt lift up and that was awesome .! Too bad the joy was just for few seconds ..HMPH! >.<
Look at the Crazy line !
They were really starving and tired ..we wanted them to play .. :P
Finally ! our turn !

BEryl'S chocolate ...i love the tiramisu chocolate ..:P
Yup! I'm his chubby Little Princess [n perasan too]...wakaka.. =D

=( i din't play this ..cuz it was outside theme park n need Xtra charge of Rm12 ..oo time

Tattoo! a flower for mother's day ~
Dragon !.em..i meant Mushu from Fa Mulan.. kaka
I wanna get a permanent 1 next time ..!
In the Cable car again ~

In the car ~

That day was a rainy day ..i do not take it as a bad day cuz tat is 1 of My special Little Raindrops..^^ get it ?..anyway when we got down the cable car it was about 5.30 since it was still early we planned to go T.S to watch movie. B4 movie ..we gotta have our dinner ..we were all starving like .. G.H food was very costly..>.< They were so hungry till their faces turned PUcat! haha
POser ! haha
Bacon! My favourite ! YUM!.. No BBQ is perfect without Bacon =P

Isn't it coOl .. actually to eat there you gotta be very patient..why ?..cuz it takes quite a long time to get the food done..Eileen n Kok's tummy weren't really satisfied cuz they got tired of grilling the food.. they were like 'wait until full'..=.=..
Obviously there's a tissue in my fav dessert . Honeydew Sagu! We were late for the movie so Ah kok just threw in a tissue to stop me from eating ..Gue!~..=.= b4 tat while rushing i got brain freeze! awesome ! =D

Great DAy =)

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