Sunday, March 22, 2009

@nother day In NEWAY~~

2 days ago ...I ajak my cous go Neway.....just 2 of us....din bring J man along, cuz he sure dun sing would be a waste of money if he went there n just listen to us ScReaMm~~instead of Sing~.... :P..hehe
OK ...we started by singing the slow songs to warm up the voice ...then HOT N COLD ....i have a video of that but i cannot post it ...sorry! ...i looked like a duck!~[=.=]...oo well...then took few pictures ...
Oo ya !..B4 tat we did ordered a bowl of Udon Mee ... Wow .. nvr thought tat the mee would taste super BAD~~..sorry Neway's Chef for giving such comment of ur mee...but seriously it wasn't good ..the mee was bigger than me little finger ..ya i know it is Udon but Na Ah~ it wasn't suppose to be that big..i know cuz i've been to Sushi King..FYI it still tasted like wooden chopstik even when i used fork ...emm..we din't finish it of cuz..^^sorry again..~
Oo well..after we sang for almost 2.30 hour voice also crack di when i tried to sing high notes songs .. :P..hehe..then J man came n fetched us ...Great Afternoon..^^

There's some pictures of us in Neway ...

Eileen & muar ~~.^^

hmm....kinda blur ..

there the clear 1 ..^^..

WELL!!..J man n I watched " Race to the Witch mountain " after fetching eileen home ...J man haven had his lunch yet ...n we were almost late for the movie ...if we get popcorn the line would be too long.. SO~..we just grabbed some breads from Bread Story to the cinema ...Cool~....' satisfy tummy' .. ^^..Nice movie ..~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunw@Y LagooN

OK...!..let's talk about yesterday...which was a holiday..Jman's fren, Ivan invited us to Sunway Lagoon..^^..11 ppl went ...lets say out the names [ me, j man, ivan booi, ivan low,ivan's gf ..maggie if im not wrong , ma yi ting , chui ching, gin pong, sze yie, joanne, siow ] ..sorry if i spelled the names wrongly ...>.<
Early in the morning then rain di ..super heavy..=.=.. but when we reached there the rain stopped under cloudy day like! ..^^..The price for the whole park was RM 64 per rite including deposit ...thanks to ivan's brother-in-law we get the discount...
Well..time to change..4 girls changed to black t-shirt ..i wonder y they wore black..i tot black is the good absorber of heat ..oo well tat day wasn't sunny also ^^..hmm..n maggie changed to pink t-shirt ..i wore a sleeveless spaghetti stripe shirt...feel so weird ..kinda shy walking out with my 'round' body...gue.. :(..low self-esteem di..haizz..
YAY..lets start..we started by making ourselves wet ...playing at the WATER PARK was fun ..but not as fun as last year i played with J man..^^.. okay finish with the water park ...lets go THEME PARK...wah....i had soo much fun leh ...played new stuff ...hehe..the 1 in the snake stomach 1[played 2 times] ...n the spinning cup...dizzy...b4 tat we played the SHIP...wah ..the person tat appear in my mind now is only gin pong ...never forget the way he scream .." AHH~~ HAHAHA" ..J man n I wasn't screaming ..but laughing at the way gin pong , siow n ivan screamed...haha..cute ...luckily their saliva din fall on us ...phiew...^^hehe..too bad Tomahawk n Roller coaster..i like tat..:(
Super hungry ...n my shorts dunno wats wrong..scratched until my thigh so pain .. >.<..bought a burger n fried rice...yummy ...but the burger ..too much chilli sauce was my fault tat made it taste weird...the person put chilli di ....but i ask him to add more...then he ..SQUEEZEE the sauce to my burger ...i was like ...O.o"..'little bit too much~'..oo wtv greedy when im hungry ..LETS EAT!...yumyum..^^..
After swimming we took some pictures b4 we went SUNWAY PYRAMID...Here are the pictures ....

[CC, GP, IL]

Gosh, Ivan looks mad in the pic ..>.<

Ivan n his Gf..lovely ^^

Don't they look like brothers .. ^^..[the blue brothers]

N there's the chubby Me!!.. hehe :P


This is the video where GP eats the temaki sushi at the ....hmm..' restoran"..anyway...Does tat make u feel hungry..?.. :P

We went to watch movie b4 we head home ...SEVEN POUND...hmm...wat can i say about the movie comment was " OK lo.."...but my frens " watch until wanna sleep di " " that is the worst movie i've ever seen in the cinema "....=.=..errr...WELL...lets go home ...^^ Great Day ~

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life As @ telemarketer ~

Since i hav nothing to do now...lets talk about my part time job at Primetrica Asia....I work as a telemarketer...b4 i started working there tot was' How hard could it big..!".. OKay....i've worked there for like 3 months di ...N i can tell u tat it is NOT FUN at all !!....ya..maybe u will say ..."u r working dude way u will find fun while working ".. Hmph !...but i rather do other job than being a telemarketer ...hmm...lets think again y am i so frust about my current job...

1] clients shout at me ...said " HAI YO ... y r u so irritating ..i hav to make complains di la....u DUN Call Again..!!"...uhh!...hate tat guy...scold a girl ...hmph..screw him.. :P
2] they talked in a very rude way .." we r not interested ..please DUn CALL Again! "
3] they straight away hang up ur call when u haven finished talking .....UHH!!....really wanna kill them...rude!..

4] talk crap about the product we r selling ... said tat our products are lousy ...EAT SHIT !...then hang rude !...that guy really pissed me off tat day ...he is the son of a female dog...=.=.....HMPH!!!..i still remember ur freaking company's name ...POTRAIT SALON!...doodoo brain..
oo ya n 5] some receptionist also very freaking dumb...wat also dunno..n purposely dun wanna say the name of the person incharge then hang up...Grr ~ call~ call~

WELL...the product i'm promoting is actually DELL's computer ...i dun mind if our clients just say' No...sorry ..not interested '.. it is defintely Fine with me ..but please be polite la when u r rejecting someone is not our fault if ur com has prob ..must be u installed smtg wrong..kena virus ..or the com doesn't suit ur company's usage..DiFF MODELS HAV DIFF dun just blame DELL... some of our clients also said..DELL reliable...use for so long also no prob...=.=..

maybe smtms we r annoying ..i apologise if we disturbed u..but we hav no choice ..we r paid to call U...u can't blame us that ur phone no. appeared in our call list...please understand us as well...we hav pressures also..if we dun hit our call target ..our GM will scold..if we dun get ur full name .GM will scold...n please won kill to giv full name..huh..let me show u who is my GM.. ^^.. hehe..hope i won get fired for putting up her pic..@_@
There! GM..Ms Jacqueline..

her smile is really sweet..^^..but smtms givs me pressure :P .. her attitude totally like my aunt Nancy...very serious at work ..N also very ..[dislike this n tat] ...but she is nice though ...if we get good results she will treat us food ..hehe...^^

Oo!..not forgeting my executive ...very tall n big ..^^.. he is a nice guy is Kengy...also very serious at work ...let me get his pic at frienster ...there!can get this 1 only...dun hav his formal look ..oo well ^^

hmm....i took J man's weird photo while he was working ..*_*

either he is too stress or he wishes to take mister potato's place ..=.=

=.=..Err...Friday is casual day tat's why he wore so formal

..^^...Me in the elevator

Well...tat's all for today ...^^...phuh...such a long story ...=.=...see ya..^^


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HuntinG the FugitiVe!

Okay .. yesterday night around 10 pm my bro sent me msg..ask me to look for the FUGITIVE in leisure mall...huh..=.=...i dun even hav the time to listen to the radio ....suddenly ask me to go search for person i nvr met b4 .... >.<..oo well ...if i dun help my bro he sure ..%#%@...So~...ask J MAN n Eileen[ cous] to teman me...^^...ok...we walk walk walk ...saw a suspicious guy ...then we followed ....

vi --" hello bro ...a guy looks suspicious.. listening to the phone !"
bro--" GO!....go ask him faster !..KUAI DIAN!!..."
vi--" i dun dare leh " J man HELP!....
Jman --"......."
vi--" uh ....EXCUSE ME !!....r u the fugitive in"
the guy--" wat ?"
vi--" r u the fugitive in"
the guy--" first of all the question u asked was wrong , n im not the fugitve , im looking for him also "......
vi--"=.=...sorry "

GUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............embarassing ...i dun even know the question...but that guy was quite nice n cute though .....the right question is R U THE FUGITIVE la ....doink bro laughed at me on the phone ....=.=....huhh.......then we look around ....walk here n there pointing ...' is tat him ' ...we dun dare to ask ...afraid to be scolded ...>.<...J man did try ..but .........wrong !.....the person dun even know how to speak english ...=.=..huh ...then 11pm we gave up ..lazy di ...haven shower ...gotta head home ..

After my bath ....i received a msg from my bro ....' sorry dear sis ...the fugitive is not at the leisure mall area ..haha".....i was like speechless.....=.=...take it as experience ...?.NAh ah~..this will be the first n last way im doing this AGAIN!!!!!!!.. bluek..^_^''
Gotta go back to work ...haizz
