Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Blog !

Huhh...finally i can start my first blog ....yesterday took me a night to think of a Blog's title and email ..but still wasn't me tat thought of the title ' those special little raindrops' ..it was J MAN tat helped me..he gave lots of CUTE ideas .. but it was me tat kept saying '"yee~..NO!..dunwan~.bu yao!"..^^..sorry ..J Man...WELL JUST NOW ...i spent few hours to think of wat i should write in my profile .."about me"...end up just 2 sentences were written there...=.=..oo well!! tat's me ,"time waster"... my head was totally ???..@_@..at least i still get to post a blog today..HEE~...YAY!! my mom made me a nestum..SWEET!..niteynite~

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