Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wake up! You Naive!!

Ola! Tudo bem? 
My October did not begin really well. Something happened and it made me upset and dumb. My friend constantly say that I'm naive, but why? Just because I'm a little Nicer to people?

Alright, Naive. A person lack in world experience and believe whatever she was told. In short, you don't think ahead and have no awareness of danger. Doesn't sound like a compliment at all hur.. It's not! 

It's kinda sad to know that the world is getting complicated. I meant the people. Many are fighting to survive, to climb higher, to be known, while some are just enjoying the simplicity of life. Lol.. What am I saying. 

Being naive might seem cute to certain people, but at the same time makes you more vulnerable and easily hurt. How to not be Naive? 

1) Trust no one but yourself. 

Where ever you are, never believe that people are true to you just because they treat you better or smile at you. Some might just stab you from the back when you're gone. or not... haha
Stab from the back? =D
If you are naive, you'll be like..Nah~~ she's good, no worries. You'll never know what's in that person mind. 
While I was training in a property firm, I noticed some of the people are very friendly. But somehow the next day I heard gossips about their bad personality that I never would have thought of. In fact, I didn't even sense it while conversing with them. Who knows.

2) Don't reveal too much about yourself or others

Shut up when you need to. Haha. Think before you speak, whether it is necessary to say it out. For example, family issue or friend's secret. Your story might end up passing around like a joke to other. People might spread your story creating rumors. 

I was actually laughing..ops..
3) Read more, improve your knowledge and appearance

Know what's happening around the world. Be smarter so you can protect yourself from being hurt and at the same time gain respect from others. When you have knowledge, the way you speak and act would be more mature. 
You won't ask or answer stupid question like me every single time!.. Damn it..I often regret the things I said or do..haha.. Pathetic

Always think ahead knowing what to do next.  Appearance does matter! If you don't wanna look like a kid wondering around your work place, then dress up. 

4) Be confident

Hardest thing to do in my life. I'm trying very hard to be confident. Ain't easy. When you have the confidence, being naive is not an issue anymore, you don't have to give a damn at what people say about you. Having confidence means you know what you are doing and you're firm with your decision. Read more, it'll boost you're confidence level. Stand tall, look up and show your big ass nostrils! Like A boss! yeah~ 

Her 3D raindrops shirt. Lol

Wouldn't want to bore you with my story at the beginning of the post, so I'll Just write behind. I know i shouldn't wash my linen in the public but....It goes like this. I'd always like to hang out with my friends, cuz they bring me laughters. They teased and made fun of how I dressed or looked, but I didn't mind cuz friends do that right? I would bring them around, where ever they wanna eat or have fun. I thought we were closed, but no. Then one day, when I needed help. They're gone and I turn invisible since then. The end! Haha
